a few years back my best friend died. he and i saw eye to eye on almost everything musically, but i didn't always check out the bands he told me to. after his death, his parents didn't know what to do with his large music collection, so i took most of it to dole out among his friends, sell some, and kept a large amount. one of the bands he was in love with that i knew nothing about was this little group from boston named Swirlies. i popped in a cd (the one down at the bottom of this post) and proceeded to shit my pants. poppy shoegazey goodness unlike anything i had ever heard! it was like the best moments of sonic youth melded with the fun of fellow boston-ites fat day (without the hardcore) and the HUGE guitars of my bloody valentine! i was hooked! i couldn't believe what i was hearing and wanted more, which i got. every single cd i found was incredible, even the techno remixes.
this is their cd entitled "blonder tongue audio baton," a fun little romp through pop-shoegaze territory that will leave you misty eyed and wanting more. the highlight is the noisey two-step hit "pancake," with it's uber-catchy "oooh ooooooh ooh oooohh!" final verse that will get caught in your head for the next, oh i don't know, seven years or so. it's been a mixtape stalwart of mine for years (finding it's way onto a mix i'll be posting in a little while as well) and i hope you love it as much as i do.
Swirlies: Blonder Tongue Audio Baton
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